International Response Award for Effective Efforts to Combat COVID-19

Participate in nominating award winners from countries, entities, organizations and individuals

International Response Award for Effective Efforts to Combat COVID-19

Under the slogan

Responsible efforts that saved the world

Organized by

Regional CSR Network                       
International Union for Social Responsibility


Nomination Criteria

       Nominations for the award’s categories are open to government entities, private sector, community sector, NGOs, and individuals from all countries of the world.

       Self-nomination or nominating others is possible for the award.

       Nominations can be received through the award’s link from 25 March to 25 June 2020.

       Winners will be honored on September 25, 2020 on the International Day of Social Responsibility.

       Entities and individuals can be nominated at the national and international levels.

       Nomination/candidature applications should be supported by evidence, e.g. documents, images, film’s resources, reports …etc.

       Each applicant has the right to submit a single nomination/candidature, and can nominate or be nominated for more than one category.


Award Categories

       Distinguished Honorary Leader Category in managing responsive efforts to Combat COVID-19 pandemic.

       Distinguished Government Official Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.

       Distinguished Government Entity Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.

       Distinguished Private Entity Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.

       Distinguished Community Entity/ NGO Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.

       Distinguished International Organization Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.

       Outstanding Personal Initiatives in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.

       Distinguished City Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic

Honoring the Award-winners

       Winners will receive the International Award for effective responsive efforts to Combat COVID-19

       Winners will be honored by the “International Medal of Valor”, which will be awarded to institutions and individuals who have exhibited exceptional courage in effectively managing efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.

       Commemorating the winners’ courageous work in a book entitled ” Responsive Efforts That Saved the World”, which will be published to mark the honoring celebration of winners.

       Presenting the winners’ courageous initiatives to save the world through their efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic at the” Crisis and Disaster Response Management Observatory Agency “, which will be launched to honor these efforts.

Accompanying events: –

       Launch event of the “Crisis and Disaster Response Management Observatory Agency “.

       Book Signing event to sign copies of the book entitled: “Efforts That Saved the World”, which will be published to mark the horning ceremony.

       Social media awareness campaign to broadcast the responsible efforts that saved the world during the combat against COVID-19 pandemic.

       Announcing CSR ambassadors from high-level Arab and international ppersonalities.

To apply for candidacy,

 (for English) click the link (for Arabic) click the link

For further enquiries via e-mail [email protected]