Participate in nominating award winners from countries, entities, organizations and individuals
International Response Award for Effective Efforts to Combat COVID-19
Under the slogan
Responsible efforts that saved the world
Organized by | |
Regional CSR Network | International Union for Social Responsibility |
Nomination Criteria
– Nominations for the award’s categories are open to government entities, private sector, community sector, NGOs, and individuals from all countries of the world.
– Self-nomination or nominating others is possible for the award.
– Nominations can be received through the award’s link from 25 March to 25 June 2020.
– Winners will be honored on September 25, 2020 on the International Day of Social Responsibility.
– Entities and individuals can be nominated at the national and international levels.
– Nomination/candidature applications should be supported by evidence, e.g. documents, images, film’s resources, reports …etc.
– Each applicant has the right to submit a single nomination/candidature, and can nominate or be nominated for more than one category.
Award Categories–
– Distinguished Honorary Leader Category in managing responsive efforts to Combat COVID-19 pandemic.
– Distinguished Government Official Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.
– Distinguished Government Entity Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.
– Distinguished Private Entity Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.
– Distinguished Community Entity/ NGO Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.
– Distinguished International Organization Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.
– Outstanding Personal Initiatives in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.
– Distinguished City Category in managing responsive efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic
Honoring the Award-winners
– Winners will receive the International Award for effective responsive efforts to Combat COVID-19
– Winners will be honored by the “International Medal of Valor”, which will be awarded to institutions and individuals who have exhibited exceptional courage in effectively managing efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic.
– Commemorating the winners’ courageous work in a book entitled ” Responsive Efforts That Saved the World”, which will be published to mark the honoring celebration of winners.
– Presenting the winners’ courageous initiatives to save the world through their efforts to combat COVID-19 pandemic at the” Crisis and Disaster Response Management Observatory Agency “, which will be launched to honor these efforts.
Accompanying events: –
– Launch event of the “Crisis and Disaster Response Management Observatory Agency “.
– Book Signing event to sign copies of the book entitled: “Efforts That Saved the World”, which will be published to mark the horning ceremony.
– Social media awareness campaign to broadcast the responsible efforts that saved the world during the combat against COVID-19 pandemic.
– Announcing CSR ambassadors from high-level Arab and international ppersonalities.
To apply for candidacy,
(for English) click the link | (for Arabic) click the link |
For further enquiries via e-mail [email protected]