Regional Network for Social Responsibility
• The Regional Network for Social Responsibility is an international non-profit professional institution that was established in 2007, and has branches, offices and representative agreements in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the State of Qatar, the State of Kuwait, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the kingdom of Morocco, the Republic of Tunisia, the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of France, Turkey,, the Sultanate of Oman, the People›s Democratic Republic of Algeria, and the United States of America.
• The Regional Network for Social Responsibility aims to raise the level of awareness about the social responsibility of companies and institutions, and work to strengthen it in the companies, institutions, governmental, civil and private sectors.
• The network seeks for social responsibility to achieve its goals by providing consultancy services, implementing training programs and specialized workshops, as well as organizing forums and press conferences in the areas of social responsibility, sustainable development, green economy, community service and institutional volunteering.
• It aims helping companies and institutions to make their practices, business and activities accountable and in line with the standards of sustainable development.
• The Regional Network for Social Responsibility is also working on the implementation of specialized studies and research, in addition to issuing various periodicals and publications to educate the business sectors and other institutions of social responsibility practices in accordance with approved international standards.• The regional network for social responsibility also seeks to provide a professional observatory of effective social responsibility practices in the Arab region and Middle East.• The regional social responsibility network also seeks to support grants institutions by providing consultations, training services and specialized studies that contribute to their transformation into institutions that are managed according to international standards.
• The Regional Network for Social Responsibility is interested in third sector institutions, especially charitable and voluntary foundations and societies, and civil society organizations by providing services that are carefully designed according to their professional needs
• The Regional Network for Social Responsibility is interested in third sector institutions, especially charitable and voluntary foundations and societies, and civil society organizations by providing services that are carefully designed according to their professional needs
• The Regional Network for Social Responsibility also works to introduce responsible initiatives and practices for companies, institutions, government and civil sectors, as well as civil society organizations, and to appreciate their owners and those in charge of them through honorable and professional activities.• The regional network for social responsibility seeks to promote the concepts of green economy and sustainable development, and their applications in various fields.
Our Charter and Principles:
• Establishing the idea of corporate and businessmen›s responsibility towards society as a new principle in planning and work away from the abstract materialism and the idea of profit and blind competition.
• Highlighting every activity aimed at providing assistance or contributing to the social or environmental life in the region, giving it the right to the media that it deserves, and urging others to follow it.
• Reducing human suffering as much as possible, getting close to society, strengthening ties between its members, preserving public health and the environment, trying to get rid of behaviors that are against the law and harmful to the public interest, and reduce the margin of pain and error, in the interest of love, solidarity and community awareness.
• Work to build relationships between donor institutions, implementing institutions, as well as beneficiary groups of society to meet their needs according to professional standards.
International Member and Partnership:
The Regional Network for Social Responsibility is a member of the following international organization:-
• United Nation Global Compact
• United Nation Global Academy
• United Nation Global Market Place
• The European Business Ethics Network
• The International Social Responsibility Union
For registration or information
please contact us www.www.regionalcsr.comg – [email protected]